
Those suffering poor mental health, whether still at work or off work, often cite relationship difficulties or conflict as a barrier to their recovery. Resilia aims to remove these barriers by initiating early conflict resolution services, which then enables constructive workplace relationships to be formed.

Did you know that if an employee perceives relationship difficulties in the workplace, 48% will take days off work, and 46% will start looking for a new job?

Those suffering poor mental health, whether still at work or off work, often cite relationship difficulties or conflict as a barrier to their recovery. Resilia aims to remove these barriers by initiating early conflict resolution services, which then enables constructive workplace relationships to be formed.

Resilia provides mediation services for workers compensation claims where an employee has a compensable condition, and also corporate organisation when there is no claim involved however workplace conflict is evident.

All of Resilia’s Mediators are Registered Psychologists, as well as having additional qualifications in Mediation and Dispute Resolution.

When should Mediation be considered?

Mediation may be appropriate in a wide range of circumstances and it can be effective in fast-tracking a return to work following psychological injury or mental health issue. Issues that may benefit from mediation include:

  • Relationship difficulties between management and an individual
  • Relationship difficulties between co-workers
  • Perception of procedure unfairness by an individual
  • Perception by an individual that their concerns have not been heard or addressed by the organisation
  • Tension within a team where the group is not operating optimally

Mediation services can be performed within an insurance scheme to assist in speeding up the return to work process or in a corporate situation where no claim has been submitted, however interpersonal relationships issues have been identified as a causative factor for the poor mental health of an employee or the dysfunction of a team.

What makes Resilia’s mediations superior within the Industry?

All of our mediations are conducted by qualified, experienced and nationally accredited Mediators, who are also Registered Psychologists with AHPRA. The benefit of having a combined Mediation / Psychologist is that the facilitator can manage the complex interplay of any mental health conditions during the facilitation process, to ensure psychological safety and long term sustainability of the positive mediation outcome. We recognise that mental health conditions are often secondary to workplace relationship issues, and therefore often need to be managed very carefully.

How successful are Resilia’s mediations?

Resilia has compared outcome data for mediations conducted as part of a psychological rehabilitation process, versus mediation conducted alone.  When stand-alone mediation is used, we have a 88% success rate of achieving a successful return to work outcome (measured at 13 weeks after the mediation intervention). When a psychological rehabilitation program runs concurrently to mediation (whether for compensable claims or corporate services), our return to work rates post mediation is 100%, and for the most part, individuals return to work in the immediate days following the intervention.

Therefore, to get the most out of your mediation process and the best possible outcome, Resilia recommends parallel and concurrent specialist psychological rehabilitation services be engaged to support the mediation and facilitate the return to work and health of individuals.

How can we help you?

Call or submit an enquiry form to see how Resilia can support your business.

1300 4 RESILIA
(1300 47 37 45)